The unique cutting mechanism of the EEZYCUT TRILOBITE provides the cleanest, sharpest, most effortless cutting action available. Everyone experiences the “wow factor” the first time they use this ergonomically designed cutting tool, as it slices and dices its way through line and webbing. The EEZYCUT TRILOBITE is rated to cut line with ease, repeatedly, up to 8mm thick, and can easily cut through larger line. TheTRILOBITE also makes light work of all types of webbing. With replacement blades, this cutting tool provides you with the best cut, every time.
A Safer Cutting Tool
Open faced diving knives are notoriously dangerous, making them generally unsuitable in response to an emergency situation. TheTRILOBITE‘s custom ergonomic design provides a level of protection, while still delivering an easy, clean and efficient cut, making it the perfect emergency cutting tool.

The Sharpest Cut – Every Time
The ergonomically patented design uses a longer section of the cutting edge, prolonging the integrity of the blade by dispersing the erosion. As the line is pushed onto the blade by the frame of the tool, the cut is much more stable, which not only provides a much cleaner splice, but helps the blade retain it’s edge. Other “closed” cutting tools have one pivotal stress point on the cutting surface which can quickly corrode and weaken.
Specialty Blades
Normal “marine grade” stainless steel, in terms of diving knives, is generally the name given to 420 grade stainless steel, also known as “cutlery grade”. While it has a good corrosion capacity in water, it does not have such a good capacity to hold a sharp edge. Titanium can not create as sharp an edge as stainless steel. The grade of stainless steel used in the EEZYCUT TRILOBITE (440a) is known for its capacity to hold an extremely sharp edge, while having very good corrosive qualities. When the blade loses its edge or starts to corrode, you can easily put a new blade in, and yet again have the sharpest, cleanest cut in the water. Washing in fresh water after diving is recommended for all stainless steel knives and blades. All stainless steel which is used in salt water needs to be treated with care. Carefully coating any stainless steel blade in normal divers silicone grease prior to salt water usage significantly prolongs the life of the blade.
EEZYCUT only recommend EEZYCUT blades. Most carpet blades are thicker, and do not fit the TRILOBITE.

Replacement Blades
The replaceable blades allow the user to always have the sharpest machined edge, just when they need it most. Nothing is as sharp as a machined edge, which means the sharpness of most open faced knives deteriorate in their effectiveness from the moment of purchase. Replacement blades with a machined edge make sense.

Double-Sided Design
The double-sided design means that it can be deployed more efficiently in a variety of situations, with less fiddling around. It also provides a level of redundancy.

The EEZYCUT TRILOBITE has two sides, and so it has REDUNDANCY built into it’s design, but nothing can replace the true redundant safety feature of two completely independent E.C.T.’s. The TRILOBITE‘s size and effectiveness fits in easily to any inventory of cutting tools, or for carrying multiple TRILOBITES.